The moon collection is design to embrace & surrender to each cycle of the moon that offers you a chance to welcome change, new beginnings & close off to all the negative. In the pack you will receive two candles, Surrender - Full Moon & Embrace - New Moon.
Surrender - Full Moon
“I now surrender all that no longer serves me. I am open & free to new beginnings”
During a Full Moon, the Moon is sitting opposite the Sun, fully illuminated by the light of the Sun. Hence the Moon & Sun are on opposite sides of the zodiac during a Full Moon… which can make for a challenging or intense aspect of energy but also a very potent potential as the Lunar & Solar (yin & yang) are in natural harmonic balance.
The energy of a Full Moon (influenced by the current Zodiac transit) is heightened and emotions, feelings, mental processes, dreams etc are all amplified. When the Sun & Moon oppose each other during a Full Moon, this can cause tension & uncomfortable friction, but at the same time a greater amplification of vision & potential possibility.
The is a powerful time of gratitude, gracefully acknowledging the beauty of life itself and all you have brought into beingness. You may feel a burning desire to express your creativity, bliss out in sensual activities and through fierce yet profoundly tender vibrations let go of any aspects of your life that no longer serve the grandest vision of your Soul.
Also have gratitude for your Manifestation Desires – for those things that you have manifested & for those things that will come into form at a later date in divine timing and for the highest good of all. Remember, your Manifestation Desires may show up in unexpected ways and ‘look’ different to your original Desires… as your ‘feelings’ create something more beautiful, more sacred & divine for your greater purpose on Earth. You may feel guided to bury your Manifestation Desires in honour of your surrender to a force greater than you.
The Full Moon is a great time to ‘moon bathe’ – simply sit under the light of the moon & meditate. As you breathe-in allow the moon to warm your Heart & expand the beauty of the present moment and as you breathe-out let the light of the moon transmute that which you wish to release.
Bathe under the full moon & light the candle. Using the affirmation, affirm you are ready for new beginnings & surrender all that no longer serves purpose in your life.
Embrace - New Moon Candle
”I embrace change. I welcome all that is to come. In the divine I trust”
During a New Moon, the moon is roughly sitting between the Earth & the Sun, hence the Sun is shining on the ‘dark side of the moon’, the side of the moon we never see. As a result, we cannot see the moon as the side that faces the Earth is not illuminated.
Both the Moon & Sun are in the same Zodiac sign during a New Moon… giving an exponential boost or concentration of the energy.
The New Moon is a great time to set your intentions, write down goals or begin new projects for the forthcoming cycle. In the darkness, the fertile ground, you plant the seeds of your heartfelt desires on the New Moon, consciously focusing your Mind/Body/Spirit on the ‘feeling’ of your desires.
Use this time to light the candle, write down all you wish to manifest going forward. Express your desires & what you wish to embrace.