About Blissme Home
Did you know, at blissme home we have made a conscious effort to educate you, our consumers about what we use in our products & how using harmful chemicals & synthetic fragrances in your home is dangerous. Our candle collections are made with our own blended essential oils. Or natural based plant extract oils. We have spent months, working on blends. Perfecting them to actually interact with your limbic system. The part of brain that effects your emotions, The limbic system also plays a role in controlling some unconscious physiological functions, such as breathing, heart rate and blood pressure. This is why we chose to use essential oils. To help in a holistic lifestyle. Clean & toxin free.
The crystal collection
My passion for crystals grew when my health deteriorated. Since then I have read a million books, studied crystal back grounds, the roots and their healing energies. From there my passion grew to pairing mother earths beauties with natural essential oils and finding a way to a new level of healing!
Over time we have sourced a crystal supplier that travels the world, to source unique and ethically sustained crystals. We have taken the time to study and appreciate the art of mother nature. A long background of healing and meditation using crystals, it was time to include the benefits and beliefs with out customers.
Each crystal is hand picked by us to bring our customers the best and unique pieces that mother nature has created. no two are the same.
Body & Skin
Skin care & Relaxation is so important in our every day life. The constant stress of every day ife can sometimes take away from our self care time. These products were designed to love & nurture you skin & soul. Natural, organic & vegan.